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Witness the crowning of the winner of our talent showcase and enjoy a night of uplifting Christian music.

Time & Location

OCTOBER 1- 31, 2024


About the event

R&B Casting (solo) Entry Contest begins


    Casting crew will be selecting 24 Soloist beginning November 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2024.

    During the month of January 2025, R&B will be calling 24 soloist for auditions. 

    Auditions will be held at Diamond Street Christian Church

    (822 Diamond Street Williamsport, PA, 17701)

  • Auditions will be a 2 week process six soloist a week, beginning  

    Friday & Saturday:March 7th-8th & March 14th-15th  6:00pm-7:00pm. 

  • During the audition, soloist is require to sing one song of the twenty-four songs listed below.

  • After the auditions, twelve soloist will be selected to be in the competition


Enter your name, your phone, home address, how long you've been singing, what inspires you to sing, 

upload a video of you singing a 30-45 second acapella of one of the songs listed below, and by signing  

your signatiture you agree to terms and conditions and verify that you are not under contract or commitment 

to a record label and/or recording studio. 

1. His Eye Is On The Sparrow

2. Amazing Grace

3. Just As I Am

4. What A Friend (We Have In Jesus)

5. Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior

6.  It Is Well With My Soul

7.   Blessed Assurance

8.   I Surrender All

9.   In The Garden

10. I Need Thee Every Hour

11. Give Me You

12. Jesus Will

13. Let The Church Say Amen

14. Open My Heart

15. Loved Lifted Me

16. O, How I Love Jesus

17. Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus

18. Yes, Jesus Love Me

19. Jesus The Light Of The World

20. Come Ye Desconsolate

21.  No Not Jesus

22.  I Won’t Go Back

23. 10,000 Reasons

24. Days of Elijah 

2.Contest Rules and Regulations

  • Round one and two of the contest; Soloist are  required to sing one song from the approved 24 songs list in Section (1)

  •  Round three of the contest; Soloist are required to sing two songs, one or two of the approved 24 songs in Section (1) or one approved song from section (1)  and one Christian song of your choice.

  • Final round of the contest; Soloist are required to sing two approved songs in Section (1) and/or one Christian song of your choice. 


3. In singing any of the approved songs, or a selected songs, a Contestant is or maybe

singing the same song(s) one Contestant can change his or her song(s) along with

approval, your submission must comply with R&B Productions standards

a) This will be a friendly competition and contain NO obscene, profane or

other objectionable words; sexually explicit or derogatory lyrics, images or

gestures, or destestable content of any form.

b) The submission must not mock, ridicule, or disparage the Contest,

Sponsor & Co-Sponsor, or its products or services, or any ethnic,

religious, or national group, gender, or sexual orientation.

4. Upon proper submission of the video, you become an Entrant in the contest.

refer to Section (1). Condition of Entry of these Official Rules for additional

restriction and terms governing the submission of an Entry. All entries must be

received between October 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024. (MID-NIGHT)

5. R&B Productions reserves the right, in its sole and absolute description, to disqualify any

Entrant who submit an Entry that violates these Official Rules, and to remove that

Entrant’s Submission from the Contest Site. R&B Productions (defined herein) assumes no

responsibility for any computer, telephone, electronic or Internet hardware or

software malfunctions, failures, connections, availability, or garbled or jumble

transmission, or service provider/Internet/website/use net accessibility or

availability, traffic congestion, or unauthorized human intervention. R&B Productions reserves

the right to modify, suspend or terminate the promotion by giving such notice, in

any form and manner deemed appropriate by R&B Productions. Should the Contest be

modified, suspended or terminated as aforesaid, the prize will nevertheless be

awarded from all eligible entries received accordance with these Official Rules.

Limited: One (1) entry per person

Contest Rules and Regulation:

6.  Eligibility: This Contest is open only to legal residents of Lycoming, Tioga,

Clinton, Montour, Union Counties. 18 years and over as of October 1, 2024 to

October 31, 2024. You may not enter the Contest if you are under a contract or

other commitment with a Recording Label or a Recording Studio including

their families members (spouses, parents, children, siblings, respectives

spouses). This Contest is subject to all Rules and Regulations by the entries of R&B

Productions. By entering each Entrant agree to release and hold harmless Promotion

Entity and their respective Co-Sponsor from injury, loss, damage, action, claim, or

other liability that may occur from Entrant’s participation in this Contest or from

acceptance or use of any prize awards or attendance at this event. By entering,

Entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and Regulations.

7.  Conditions Of Entry: An eligible Entry must be received as described above in

Section (2) of these Official Rules. Incomplete entries are void. By entering, Entrant

agree to comply with these Official Rules, including without limitation. All Eligibility

Requirement. Entry will be deemed to have been submitted by authorized email

address from which the entry is made. R&B Productions, is not responsible or liable for lost,

stolen, mutilated, incomplete, incorrect, delayed, late, interrupted or misdirected,

illegible or misdirected entries. All entries become the property of R&B Productions , and cannot

be returned and may be deemed a “promotional tool” of R&B Productions under US copyright

Law. Entrant further agrees that R&B Productions shall be the exclusive owner of the entry, will

have the right to reproduce, publish, adapt, modify, and/or revise the videos, sound

or any part of the entrants submission, in its sole discretion. Entries are deemed

void if forged or if obtained submitted outside authorized channels.

8.  Entries submitted in connection with this Contest must not contain any copyrights

works (other than owned by the Entrant and as authorized for use by Entrants in

connection with this Contest (e.g. musical compositions and lyrics made available

for Entrants in connection with the submission of an Entry (authorize assets). Any

elements appearing in your Entry, including without limitation music, audio, speech-

voiceovers, stills, or other audiovisual (elements) must be entirely original, created

and performed by you, be fully in the people domain, or be an Authorize Asset. Use

of any Element or other material that is not original, not fully in the public domain or

not an Authorize Asset may result in disqualification of Entry, in R&B Productions sole discretion.

9. In addition by uploading or creating an Entry in this Contest, each entrant; (a)

Warrants and represents that the Entrant is the individual picture and heard

In the Entry; (b) warrants and represents that his-her Entry, is the original to

The Entrant, has been created and its owns all right to the Entry. (c) And has

not been entered in or won previous contests or awards, and (d) has been

published previously, and will not be published or uploaded, to any other

medium, including, without limitation, any online video service.

10. Prize: For the runner-up; $250.00 Cash Prize, $25.00 Sheetz gift card, $25.00

Giants gift card, dinner for two at Texas Road House. For the winner; $500.00 Cash

Prize, $75.00 Weis gift card, dinner for two at Texas Road House, and three free hour at

Green Valley Recording Studio and trophies for runner up and winner.

Along with recieving your prizes, we have a special surprise that will be revealed 

to our contestants! It's something truly extraordinary that you don't want to miss!

11. Determination Of Winners: Open Call Submissions;

October 1, 2024 - October  31, 2024, will consist of collection

of Entrants uploaded video submission that comply with section (1) of these Rules.

Casting Directors will review all of the Entrants video submissions and select,

based upon the Entrants singing ability and in the absolute and sole Discretion of the R&B Productions.

November 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024, Casting Directors along with R&B Productions will be

selecting 24 soloist for the audition

In the month of January, R&B Productions will be calling the (24) Contestants, either by phone

or by email. If he/she cannot be reached after a reasonable effort has been tried, if

he/she is found to be ineligible or if he/she cannot or does not comply with the

Official Rules, will be disqualified and an alternative Contestant may be selected by R&B’s Productions sole discretion.

Auditions is a two week process, six soloist a day, begin March 7th-8th & 14th-15th on a

Friday and Saturday from 6:00pm - 7:00pm. During the audition, soloist is require to sing one song

of the 24 approved on the list under section (2). The audition will be recorded.

After the (2) weeks of audition, 12 soloist will be picked to be on R&B Productions.


12. “Give God Your All” will have a three Judge panel who will comment on your song.

But to move to the next round, or sent home, will be determine by the audiences. Show

will begin on Sunday; March 23, 2025 (6:00pm), Second round; March 30, 2025 (6:00pm).

Third round; April 6, 2024 (6:00pm); The final round; April 13, 2024 (6:00pm)

During rounds one and two; One song from the 24 approved songs in section (1), round

three; Two songs, one or two of the approved songs in section (1) or one approved song

of your choice. and Final round; Two songs, one or two approved songs in

section (1) or one approved song song of your choice.

13. General Conditions: Potential winner agree to grant to R&B Productions, the right to

print, publish, broadcast, and use, in any media now known or hereafter developed,

including but not limited to the World web, at any time or times, the Entrants photo and

video clip, name picture, voice, likeness and biographical information as news or

information and for advertising and promotional purposes without additional

consideration; and further without such additional compensation, appear for, or provide

biographical information for use in, any presentation or other activity which may include

filming-audio-video-electronic or recordings and-or may be determined by R&B


Failure to make such appearances or grant such rights may result in disqualification

with an alternate winner possible being selected; further, by accepting a prize, the

Winner agrees to release and hold harmless Sponsor, Co-Sponsor, Cast Director’s,

Judges, and audiences, from any and all liability, loss, damage of any kind to person,

including death, and property arising whole or part, directly or indirectly, from

acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize, participation in any Contest related

activity, or participation in this Contest.

14. R&B Productions reserves the right, in its sole description, to disqualify and individual they find,

in its sole description, to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the

Contest or website; to be acting in violation of the Official Rules; or to be acting in a

non-sportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or

harass any other person(s). Any use of robotic, automatic, macro, programmed, or like

entry methods will void all such entries by such method

15. R&B Productions reserves the right to conduct an evaluation of an entrants’ Internet Protocol

address and to complete an e-mail validation process. In the event of a dispute as to

entries submitted by multiple user having the same e-mail account, the authorized

subscriber of the e-mail account used to enter the Contest at the actual time of the entry

will be deemed to be the participant and must comply with these rules. Authorized

account subscriber is deemed to be the natural person who is assigned an e-mail

address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization,

which is responsible for assigning email addresses email, addresses or the domain

associated with the submitted e-mail address.

16. Disputes: As a condition of participating in this Contest, entrant agree that any and

all disputes which cannot be resolved between the parties, and causes of action arising

out of or connected with this Contest, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any

form of class action, exclusively, before a court located in the State of Pennsylvania

having competent jurisdiction, which Court shall apply the laws of the State of

Pennsylvania without regards for doctrines of Conflict of Law.

a) This event is a Christian event yet all are welcome. R&B Productions stand on 

1 Corinthian 6:1 “If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it

 before the ungodly for judgement instead of before the Lord’s people?” and at R&B Productions, 

we also stand on 1 Corinthians 6:6 “But instead one brother takes another to court, 

and this in front of unbelievers!”

b) By entering this Contest whether a Christian or not, you agree to this Official Rule

and Regulations, by good faith, and Godly judgement any disputes can be


Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances will Entrant be permitted to obtain

awards for, and hereby wavies all right to claim punitive, incidental, nor consequential

damages, or any other damages, including attorney’s fees, other than Rntrant’s actual

out-of-pocket expenses. (i.e. costs associated with entering this Contest), and

Entrant further waives all rights to have damaged multiplied or increased.

17. Winner: List of prizes for the runner-up and the winner will be given out on the last

night of the Contest. By R&B Productions.

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Cash Prize $500

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